Member-only story
Music as First Contact
Song can be a thread between what is lost and what is trying to be found, often speaking more honestly about the world than the surface layer of reality.

The wilderness can often speak more eloquently to what stirs in our hearts. What sings, howls, creaks, or growls offers an expression beyond the limitations of words. What sings in the dark, sings to the night. Another world comes alive in the darkness, where the symphony of the night is not just what song calls to you, but what song you find within you.
— The Song of the Human Heart: Dawn of the Dark Feminine in Islam
As a highly sensitive and neurodivergent woman, I’ve always struggled with the world of people. It feels like every decade we move more into artificiality, manufacturing unnatural grids through which we route the wilderness of human expression. Like a ship sailing in the wrong direction because it forgot the song of the sea.
How do we remember that song? How do we remember the wind and the sea both sing the same song as our heart, carrying a crescendo that falls and rises threading a conversation with every pulse that speaks in a language older than the tongue?
It’s taken the world’s greatest sages radical time away into the wilderness to be able to find an inner truth that sings to them. Most of us…